Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So...What keeps us going?

People have mentioned lately that they don't know how they'd handle being in a long distance relationship. Many say they think it would be impossible and they just couldn't do it. Others say it's just too complicated to begin with and don't even want to get their hands wet. I guess it's one of those things that until you're in it, it seems out of the ordinary, strange, and undesirable. Why would anyone put themself through such pain, agony, and frustration? 

Although at times distance can in fact seem impossible and challenging, Jamie and I know that there is a God much bigger holding everything together across the miles. He is holding us together and strengthening our love day by day. He is gracious towards us in the ups and the downs and teaches us so much through each obstacle, skype call, and emotion. He is providing for our needs in ways we never expected or dreamed. This long distance love has forced us to rely upon Him for everything, rather than ourselves. We can't even plan a wedding date without God's intricate help with the 2 countries, governments, and unending paperwork. It's all just "not do-able" without Him. We've had no option other than to trust Him with our hearts and the future ahead. It's not been an easy road, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's been a beautiful road with painful jolts and unexpected road works, yet a road full of abundant joy and great blessing. 
Therefore, although the ocean is massive, communication is limited, and physical time together is non-existent...we do not lose heart. We do not give up. God is our hope and He is our reason for carrying on. We are in this relationship because we love each other, but far more because we love God and want to honour Him, bringing glory to Him as we strive to love each other in the same way Christ has loved us. 

I admit on the difficult days,  I have to remind myself of these things...once, twice, or 27 times. It's easy to lose sight of Christ and His blessings and provision in all of it when you're consumed with your circumstances, well-being, and feelings. Chances are, if you're basing your life off of these, they are going to leave you feeling like an unsatisfied, empty, cheated victim most of the time. To be honest, it is generally on the mornings when I hardly know what to do or how to be, that God reminds me just who HE is. He is a consistent, loving, and unchanging gracious God who sees and hears His children.  He is a God who is in control and His perfect plan is already in effect. 

My only response to those of you who wonder or question "why we do this" or "how we keep on going" is this: it is a question to your question.

How much more of a testimony will it be if after 1 year of "waiting to date", 2 years (including the 1st one) of long distance, followed by another year of longer long distance 2 continents much more of a testimony of God's faithfulness, goodness, and provision will it be when we stand up before God and our friends and family to be married, knowing that we withstood the test and remained faithful as best we could? Knowing that we persevered under trial by the strength of God. Knowing that we persevered in the face of fear, over the miles, under the expectations and assumptions from the world telling us that we probably wouldn't make it? 
I believe it will be a beautiful day and I pray that everything about our wedding day screams God's glory!! I pray that it screams, "GOD IS GOOD and THIS IS ALL FOR HIM!"

What a gift it is to be able to worship Him in this way, even in the pain, yearning, and waiting. What a joy it is to praise Jesus in the midst. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Standing in my favourite place in the world with my favourite man in the world.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Loving a Person is No Small Thing...

Being in a long-distance relationship with the man I love isn't easy. I know on the outside it may appear to be, and sometimes it really is quite do-able, but the truth stands: it's challenging, tiresome, mentally exhausting, and more. Yet, at the end of each day, somehow this love is a beautiful gift, joy, and blessing--it is completely worth it. He is completely worth it; there is no doubt in my mind of that. There is nothing like this love, apart from Christ, it is unbeatable. I admit, I've learned to shrug off my emotions and the missing I feel, putting on a smile as though I'm not aching inside. I think I've began to do this subconsciously, because the missing goes so deep--it's inexplainable. I don't want to bore people or consume them with my situation, so I tend to stay quiet, keeping to myself. Deep down, however, my heart is hurting beyond words can say. Each day is a fight; it's a real test of faith, trust, and our love for God and each other. Commitment, and the need for it, is an understatement. Each day we have to make a choice to honour God and each other--we must commit to encouraging and supporting one another across 6,000 miles, with limited resources. When we Skype, portraying our love and respect for each other is vital. Every minute, every call. I need to be the best that I can be for Jamie from the moment we say hello to the moment we say good bye. Why? Because it's all we have. Those minutes we get to spend "together" are precious.

Unfortunately, words can either be harmful or helpful; life-giving or detrimental. Loving God and loving someone out of that love is a choice. It is up to me whether I am going to listen to Jamie's stories, struggles, needs, wants, and feelings; will I cut him off before he can share? Will I talk about my day, my fears, my anxieties about the future, or put him before me and honour him in that way? Of course all these things/emotions/struggles are important and need to be talked about, and we do talk about them. However, we have to be so careful in our words, expressions, and responses to one another because our words are all we have to give right now. God has blessed us with this love, but we are in a world that is trying to pull us a part. We live in a society where the divorce rate is rising higher and higher-- in both Christian/non-Christian couples alike. We are subject to a fallen world full of darkness and the lies, temptations, and flying arrows from the evil one. This love-our love-is not going to stand, unless Christ is truly the center. We will fall without Him, just like so many other couples tragically fall. We are no better, or any less subject to failing; we are human. Thankfully, Christ is fighting for us and with us; He is victorious, and therefore, our victory is found in Him daily. With that said though, I do believe we have a responsibility to God and each other to protect this love and relationship with all we are-in every way we can, from this day forward, for the rest of our lives.

(Why do you think vows are said at a wedding? If they were meaningless, surely the idea of saying them before God and others would have never become a world-wide tradition?)

 Skype dates are the most romantic and most realistic times we get to share together. They are truly all we have a part from writing letters and trying to come up with unique ways to bless each other.

 No matter how optimistic we might seem, or how positive our Facebook statuses might be--the whole not seeing each other thing gets old. There are many days when I just long to see him so that I will be reminded that this is all for real. Our love, our engagement, our future. It's all real. I know that it is, of course, and I'm beyond thrilled. However, there are just some days that I'm reminded of all the little things missing. I recall inside jokes, then turn to tell Jamie, only realising he's not here and no one else will get it. I get butterflies just thinking about Jamie spontaneously grabbing my hand, simply because he wants to hold it. It hasn't happened in so long, due to the ocean inbetween. I know gestures as small as this might seem silly, but oh how easy they are to take for granted, until suddenly the opportunities and privileges are gone. Saying good bye on skype these days is getting harder; it feels almost unbearable. The days are seeming longer, the distance further.  Simply put, my life just doesn't feel right without Jamie in it.

If you're reading this, I apologise for the venting; it feels good to write it though. It feels good to be genuinely honest and to remind the world of our humanness and fraility. This is a struggle, yet it is a testimony! God is faithful and His faithfulness and unchanging character is OUR hope!

If you see anything good, inspiring, or desirable in Jamie's and my relationship then Praise the Lord! It is from Him! This is not us. In fact, we are the hazardous human ones in this relationship; God is the one who is unchanging, perfect, gracious, understanding, and forgiving. We get things wrong. We say things we regret. We cry. We laugh. We are real. But anything more than that, is solely God's Spirit within us--strengthening, empowering, and encouraging us to keep going.

I'm so thankful for this love; I praise God for Jamie countless times a day. He is truly perfect for me, in every way. He inspires me, challenges me, moves me, loves me, teaches me, encourages me, sees me, and so much more! He makes me want to be better, greater, and more passionate about everything. He moves me to become more like Jesus. He does all of these things more than anyone else I know--and that I find amazing. I mean that. He brings out the best in me, as well as the worst--the sides of myself I didn't even know existed.  I feel completely humbled to have the honour, joy, and privilege of getting to marry this incredible man of God someday (soon!).

Wow. Thank you Lord for all of Your blessings and for Your  goodness towards Jamie and I. We will forever praise You and tell of Your greatness. Thank you for all the Skype dates, for all of the laughs, for all of the lessons you are teaching us in this season of separation and waiting. You are good and faithful, always! We are yours for the molding. May all the glory be Yours, Jesus. Now and forevermore.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Desires, Dreams, and the Faithfulness of God

Psalm 37:3-9
"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and HE will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in HIM, and HE will do it. HE will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for HIM; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land." 

Lately I can't seem to get this passage out of my heart; it has always been one of my favourites. God has brought these few verses to mind again and again. It's no surprise really because they are quite fitting for where God has me right now--especially in all that He is teaching me and revealing to me.

You see, the last 6 years of my life have been full of what some might call well, "challenging" circumstances. The seasons have varied; I've (admittedly) been all over the map.  I've experienced a lot of life changes and a lot of things I thought I'd most likely never face, let alone struggle with for years to come. I've experienced: abandonment, the divorce of my parents, loss of my grandpa, the diagnosis of severe cancer in a close relative, attempted suicide (yes me), quite severe physical injuries, depression, anxiety, insomnia, moving to a foreign country, doing missionary work at age 18, getting swine flu, struggling with loneliness, inadequacies, and more. I'm really just a broken shell of a girl.

Please hear me, or read me right. I really don't want to "puff myself up". I just feel that these things all bring God glory because of the goodness He's shown towards me in all the different seasons. Through it all, God in His graciousness has continually blessed me and clothed me in His strength. He has filled me with His joy and covered me with grace, time after time. I feel like I can echo the apostle Paul in saying, I've learned the secret of being content, in all (or most) circumstances.

 I'm not going to lie, the road has not been easy; I will not pretend as though it has. All of these things have been more than difficult and my natural response hasn't always been one of praise or adoration, it's been quite the opposite. The majority of the time, it is hard to see the Saviour in the midst of the storm; I think most of us get that. However, He is there and His arms are open and He is in no way limited to our "storms"; after all, isn't it God who creates the thunder and the lightening?  In times of calamity, He is still God and He is still good. In times of rejoicing, He is still God, and therefore, He is still good. He is not shaken as we are. He is the only source of true stability, He is our rock.

If I was asked to describe these past couple years of my life in one word, I would use both an adjective and a verb: "Waiting". It describes both how I've been and how I've had to choose to be. The idea of waiting is a tricky one. It really doesn't matter what you're waiting for, it's usually uncomfortable. Whether it's an upcoming test, an exciting event, or waiting for God's direction, it leaves one feeling uneasy, unstable, and unsure. Waiting requires not only patience, but trust. Trust in the unchanging Character of someone else-- God. And not only trusting God, but trusting in His plan and it being a good plan.  From what I've observed and heard, no one really seems to enjoy waiting (although it does get easier the more you learn how to trust God with it, or so I've found). As humans, we enjoy having a plan; we enjoy having the answers. If there are no answers, then we create our own for our own peace of mind. It may sound silly, but it is true. We come up with possibilities that will temporarily comfort ourselves, convincing ourself that we have plan A, B, and C...and even if those don't work out, well hey, there are still 23 remaining letters in the alphabet left for our disposable plan making, right? Wrong. Our minds our finite, unlike God's. He sees the whole picture and knows what is going to happen. We have no need to fear, yet I would argue, we fear the thought of not fearing..because that is where we are truthfully more comfortable.

For the past 2 and a half years this whole "waiting and trusting God faithfully in the process" thing has been a real struggle for me. In a sense it's been easy because it's God and I want to be obedient to Him and therefore, my answer is yes. However, in the flesh, it hasn't been so simple.

 My fiance Jamie and I have been waiting to simply "be together" from the very beginning. When we first met we were not allowed to date, and lived 2 hours a part. Year number 2, we were allowed to date but still lived 2 hours apart and saw each other once a month, if even that. Any time we were given was always a special blessing. And here we are now in 2011, heading into year number 3 of being in a friendship/relationship together: we are now engaged, yet living oceans a part. It doesn't seem to add up, does it? We have been waiting for God's timing since the very first month of knowing each other. It has been a confusing, painful, exciting, difficult, yet also an easy, fun, incredible, and wonderful relationship. We truly love each other, but we love God more; as a result, this hasn't been and still isn't about just us, our love, or our timing.

Here I sit i America at 2:30am writing this blog, unable to sleep. Why? Well because after 11 months of waiting and wondering about Jamie and I, our future together, why God called me back to America in the first place...etc., we now finally have some answers. God's greater plan is being revealed and it is an exciting time, to say the least. God has begun to open our eyes to the open doors around us; doors that He's been preparing us to walk through for a while now...since before we were born, let alone had even met.  It's like He has finally given us a ring of kyes with permission to see into the things of His heart and the greatness He has planned for us as individuals, as well as a couple. It's honestly felt like a glimpse into heaven. A beautiful glimpse of amazing blessings that He is pouring out upon us both, simply because He loves us and wants to bless us as we strive to seek Him and serve Him faithfully and obediently. Wow. Humbling is one word for it, but it doesn't feel adequate enough to describe how deep the Father's love is...for Jamie and I. The Father has seen us waiting; He has helped us through. He has kept us close to Him; He has watched the tears fall and the many good byes said. None of this was in vain, though it often felt that way--HIS timing is coming and He's leading the way!

I am delighted to share that in the last month everything has all of a sudden, by the grace of God, fallen into place! And oh how the glory and goodness of God is shining brightly all around; I'm truly in awe. As David says int he Psalms, "the lines have fallen in pleasant places for me." Within just two weeks, God has provided for things beyond my wildest imagination, after months of silence and wondering if He was still there, listening and watching over us. What has He provided? Well really, He has provided and granted the deepest, most genuine desires/longings of my heart.

He has blessed me with a way back to England--the country I've grown to love so deeply and passionately! He's provided a way for me to be re-united with Jamie and to eventually marry him! He has provided a dream position in a new church, in 'my' beloved city of Plymouth (where I formerly was based). He has provided a return plane ticket for me to fly to and from England, at no personal cost.  AND, as of just yesterday, He has provided a place for me (out of 25 available positions) on a youth ministry course at an English University, which will now enable me to get a student visa and officially return to the UK in due time!!

How good is our God?! Wow! I feel so honoured, blessed, and loved. For the first time, I can truly say that God is bringing me into a season of blessing and abundance. The suffering has lifted, the load has lightened; yes the road will be rocky and remain tough I'm sure, but for now, it is easy and God's burden is light as His Word promises! Who am I, that He would choose to bless me so? And who am I that He would grant me the desires of my heart, to be back in England, serving Him, with the man I love, preparing to get married, working my dream "job" in ministry, and studying on a fully paid course!?!

Wow, wow, wow! God is Awesome. Truly Awesome. I could go on and on.

Great is Thy faithfulness, LORD, unto ME!

Thank You!

Dear Little England...

I was just browsing through some photos from my time in England and must admit, tears filled my eyes. I so long to be back and to see everyone, it's hard to even describe the different emotions. What a beautiful little country full of such wonderful places, people, and priceless memories. I truly cannot wait to return! :) Ahhh! God is so faithful. So excited!

Here are a few photos from my time down in Padstow, Cornwall with my dear friends Sarah and Emma. We had a wonderful short holiday together and enjoyed beautiful weather, fellowship, fish and chips, cups of tea, laughter, and so much more. Feeling so blessed just remembering the fun we had!

Friday, January 21, 2011

6 Month Mark...Already?

6 months ago today, I did one of the hardest things I've ever done. God asked me to do something, and saying no wasn't an option. I had to and I wanted to say yes and walk in obedience, as painful as it was at the time. With that said, I addressed the church family I had grown to love dearly, and the students I had grown to walk with, love, and teach as if they were my own-- I  told them that  God was calling me to leave England. With tears in my eyes and barely able to stand, I knew I had to go and that God had a greater plan in it all. The Church agreed, with sad faces and heavy hearts, yet expressions of understanding and a desire for me to walk in what God had called me to.  4 weeks later I said goodbye to Jamie, the love of my life, and my closest friends who had supported me so much in the two year period that I was there. My friend Sarah drove me to the airport, I said my last goodbye, and boarded a plane to America for an unknown season of time, trying to trust God obediently with my future, relationships, my heart, and desires. Man. It's crazy hearing myself type this, yet I was the one it happened to. I am so thankful for God's faithfulness towards me, and Jamie as well over these months. Now, 6 months later, we are engaged and excited to marry and live together back in England one day soon! We do not know when that can happen for sure as there are a lot of details with marrying an international and living in his country, but it's nothing God can't handle!  As exciting as this is, we are still trusting God each day and striving to be obedient and patient as we wait for His leading and His timing in both of our lives. We are still in the "unknown" and are trying relying upon God, best we can, for all the answers. With Him, this is simple. Without Him, it is beyond impossible and complicated.  It's been a challenging season apart, but I'm so grateful for His provision and strength each day. I'm learning so much about myself, Jamie, life, faith, and friendships. I'm learning so much about obedience and waiting. 

 I truly couldn't have gotten through these past months without Christ and His Spirit in me. I miss England dearly and the wonderful people it holds, but I rejoice knowing (in full confidence) that I will be re-united with everyone again soon. For now, I am going to live each day on purpose, cherish the time God has given me with my friends and family here in the States, and I'm going to hold onto them and trust God with the rest! 

What a faithful and loving God we serve!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

21st Birthday!

Well, Today Benny and I celebrated our 21st birthday! It's hard to believe we've already 21, but that's what our driver's licences tell us at least :) It was awesome to get the spend the day together after two years of spending it apart, across the world from eachother. We went out to lunch together with Dad and Emily and  then went to a movie later with more of the fam. I'm thankful to be here this year and for the good memories that came with today. I am one blessed sister to have a twin brother like him!
January 19, 2011
I love you Ben and am so thankful you're my twin brother! We have had so much fun over the years. I'm so thankful for all of our wonderful memories together. Childhood with you rocked and I'm sure there are many more awesome memories and laughs to come! Happy birthday!!!
P.s. You make Twinhood AWESOME!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Proposal: Jamie and Rachel Style

Newly engaged at Multnomah Falls, December 2010
So I know many of you are curious to know the story of "The Proposal". I must say, I am thrilled to share it with you all as it is a lot of fun to "re-live" and to tell. It brings a smile to my face every time I remember it (which is often). It was truly the most awesome, wonderful, unexpected, yet perfect moment of my life thus far. For a moment, the world stood still leaving just the two of us: in love, committed, and focused on the One who brought us together in the first place, God. The joy of that moment exceeded any joy I can recall ever feeling. It was different. So special, so surreal, yet so life-changing. Now, I know there will be many more significant and life-changing days and moments to come in the future, but for now, this is the moment that I am holding onto, re-living, and praising God for. And not just the moment, in fact, the man in the moment is what made that evening so incredible. The man of my dreams asking me to marry him-to be his and no one else's as long as we both shall live. Wow. Such excitement with such responsibility as well. What is truly exciting and incredible is not just the engagement, but the whole getting married and being together and sharing our life, struggles, joys, and faith together until death do us part. I'd say that getting to share THESE things with Jamie is what pretty much trumps everything :) Life with him is just right. It is simple, it is fun. It is sweet, it is real. It will be challenging at times, but always...ALWAYS...worth it.

Okay, okay, okay...The story: Let's start with when Jamie first arrived into the States!

Jamie flew into Portland airport on December 23. I arrived at the airport about an hour beforehand to pick him up and was going crazy inside. I'm sure I must of looked so funny to the others sitting around me in the "international arrivals" section of the airport, shaking with excitement, fidgeting in my chair, checking the time and arrivals board every 3 seconds, but hey I didn't care. I smiled all the more and tried my best to contain my excitement, failing miserably to actually hide the emotions exploding inside of me. I'm sure I let out a few giggles outloud, but so it goes :) I will never forget when I saw him in the airport. It was the first time in 5 (long) months that I had seen him...since our last emotional goodbye in the summer. Nothing can describe what I was feeling as I watched him walking towards me and hurried to meet him and give him a hug and kiss! Nothing could diminish or hinder our love for one another at that moment, or any other for that matter.

Jamie had been awake for more than 48 hours straight with his crazy travelling schedule, but nevertheless, his smile was bigger than ever and he was the same Jamie I had always loved and longed to spend time with. He hadn't changed a bit. We drove from the airport up to my dad's where we spent the night and Jamie recovered a bit from his crazy couple days. There was nothing like going to sleep knowing that Jamie was just down the hall, sleeping, IN THE SAME HOUSE AS ME!

The next day was Christmas Eve. We spent it with my mom and siblings, and had a great evening with them! We ate great food, had sweet fellowship, and just enjoyed one another's company.

Fast-forwarding now to "The Actual Day"...

Christmas morning Jamie and I drove my mom to the airport, then headed back up to my dad's house to spend the day with my family up there. We had a wonderful morning together, laughing and opening presents, and just enjoying the day. Personally, I was thoroughly enjoying the fact that Jamie was there next to me to share it all together!!! The day went by rather quickly. We ate a delicious meal together and then just hung out. I was super tired, however, and was really struggling to stay awake despite the excitement of Jamie's arrival. Before he got to Oregon, I had worked a few opening shifts in a row at work so had hardly had any sleep. Jamie, realising how tired I was, encouraged me to lie down for a bit and take a nap. Reluctant to sleep on Christmas day and miss out on anything, I proceeded to tell him I didn't need to and that I would be ok. But being the amazing and convincing man that he is, he somehow talked me into the idea of a short nap and made it seem so appealing. So, naturally, I caved and gave in. He tucked me in and assured me (as I asked him to) that he would come wake me up in 30 minutes. I fell asleep instantly and don't even remember him walking out of the room.

About 5 minutes later (apparently), Jamie came back in the room to check on me and to make sure I was asleep before he went and asked my dad if they could chat outside. (I had no idea any of this was happening!) I was asleep, so Jamie found my dad and asked him for my hand. My dad, thankfully, said yes! :)
Little to Jamie's knowledge, my dad was actually cleaning a shot gun when he went to ask him! (no joke!)

After Jamie got permission from my dad he came back into the room. But this time, not to check on me or wake me up. The ring was in the room with me (had no idea!!) and he wanted to get it before I woke up, just in case there were any opportune times for him to ask me. (This is coming from him). To Jamie's surprise, this time when he came into the room and turned on the light I began to wake up! He was a little startled and quickly switched off the light as he saw me moving. He began to speak quickly, saying things to reassure me that everything was fine and I should go back to sleep because I was still tired. Ha :) Well his convincing charm didn't work so well this time :) I asked him how long I had been sleeping for and he told me it had been about 40 minutes. Instantly I was awake and aware that I "needed to get up" and couldn't sleep any longer, as I was so set on only sleeping for a half hour!!! I couldn't believe it had been longer and didn't want to go back to sleep. Jamie tried to convince me one more time by saying, "You're still tired Rach, you should go back to sleep", but I wasn't buying it. I wanted to be awake at this point. (Remember, the light is still off and he's looking for the ring, whilst we're having this conversation). He then says to me, "Well you should go back to sleep, but before you do...I just have one question for you..(gets down on his knees and pulls out the ring)....

"Will you marry me?"

Nothing could've prepared me for that moment! I thought it was coming at some point soon, but had NO idea it was THEN! I could tell Jamie noticed the look of surprise on my face. I don't know how long it was, but I felt like I had my mouth open forever just in total shock. I couldn't even speak. He then began to say really sweet things, whilst still on his knees holding the ring box open towards me. (the light was still off). Due to my lack of response still, he prompted me....haha. "So I'll take that as a..._ _ _?" Immediately I exclaimed, "YES!" and gave him the biggest hug. Then I realised that I still hadn't even seen the ring because of the light being turned off. So I lept off the bed, turned on the light, and he put the ring on my finger. It was gorgeous! I loved it! For the next 5 minutes I don't think we let go of eachother. We just smiled and laughed and smiled some more! It was awesome!

Jamie knew I had been trying to figure out how he'd propose, so he did a great job in keeping me surprised! He told me later that he hadn't meant to propose then, it just happened. We had been a part for 5 months, my dad gave him the permission he wanted, he walked in and saw me sleeping, found the ring, got down, and popped the question. It was so sweet and precious to me because I knew he couldn't wait any longer. His face and smile said it all. I've never seen him so excited! It was so awesome! We then told my family, made phone calls, took some photos and continued to smile loads! :) (I actually told my dad first and was so excited that I ran outside in my slippers to find him! It was a funny sight I'm sure)

So there you go! Spontaneous and simple, yet perfect and totally us. I'll never forget Christmas day, 2010 when Jamie asked me to be his wife!!!!! I am so excited and couldn't be more thankful to be marrying a man of God like him. He is perfect for me in every way.

We just got...engaged?!!
Now, we are apart again, but we rejoice in the fact that we will be together again soon. The distance is hard, the missing sucks...but God has got us and we are trying to trust Him every step of the way. The plan is simple really. We wait on God's timing and the governments blessing, we stay focused, we listen, and be as obedient as we can to all that God has in store for us. His love for us both is what drives our love for each other. I'm so excited for the rest of our lives. Nothing could be better.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Quote of the year: "Rachel, Will you marry me?" -Jamie

Christmas Day, 2010-Happiest day of my life (thus far!)
So excited to spend the rest of my life with this amazing man!

Exciting times!!

Well, Jamie surprised me on Thanksgiving by telling me that he had booked a ticket to America for Christmas!!!! (I know it was a long time ago...but I've been rubbish at remembering to blog about it!) As much as I hoped, and prayed, and longed to see him, I was beginning to think he wouldn't be able to make it to the States for the holidays. Although my heart hoped it wasn't true, my head thought otherwise. I began to think logically, rather than from the heart. However, God is far stronger and far more capable of exceeding my expectations, and He had other plans! He provided a way for Jamie to come financially, Jamie booked the ticket, surprised me, and came! Now, to say that I was excited for him to come would be a total understatement. I was the happiest girl you've probably ever seen-glowing with excitement and eager anticipation at just the thought of seeing the love of my life again. The thought of being able to hug him, hold his hand, and just sit next to him whilst chatting in person seemed too good to be true. After all, we usually are saying good bye rather than hello most of the time. At this point, Jamie and I hadn't seen each other for almost 5 months. Each day was seeming longer, every mile, further, and (although I'm an optimist) the joy of being together again seemed quite unlikely. So as you might imagine, when I got the skype call from Jamie and saw him holding a plane ticket to America up to his webcam, my heart was the fullest it had been in a long time. It no longer hurt. All that to say...I made a countdown for Jamie l and thought you might like to see it. With each day that passed towards his arrival, I grew more nervous (in a good way), more excited, and more eager to see him!!!!

It looked something like this...