Friday, January 21, 2011

6 Month Mark...Already?

6 months ago today, I did one of the hardest things I've ever done. God asked me to do something, and saying no wasn't an option. I had to and I wanted to say yes and walk in obedience, as painful as it was at the time. With that said, I addressed the church family I had grown to love dearly, and the students I had grown to walk with, love, and teach as if they were my own-- I  told them that  God was calling me to leave England. With tears in my eyes and barely able to stand, I knew I had to go and that God had a greater plan in it all. The Church agreed, with sad faces and heavy hearts, yet expressions of understanding and a desire for me to walk in what God had called me to.  4 weeks later I said goodbye to Jamie, the love of my life, and my closest friends who had supported me so much in the two year period that I was there. My friend Sarah drove me to the airport, I said my last goodbye, and boarded a plane to America for an unknown season of time, trying to trust God obediently with my future, relationships, my heart, and desires. Man. It's crazy hearing myself type this, yet I was the one it happened to. I am so thankful for God's faithfulness towards me, and Jamie as well over these months. Now, 6 months later, we are engaged and excited to marry and live together back in England one day soon! We do not know when that can happen for sure as there are a lot of details with marrying an international and living in his country, but it's nothing God can't handle!  As exciting as this is, we are still trusting God each day and striving to be obedient and patient as we wait for His leading and His timing in both of our lives. We are still in the "unknown" and are trying relying upon God, best we can, for all the answers. With Him, this is simple. Without Him, it is beyond impossible and complicated.  It's been a challenging season apart, but I'm so grateful for His provision and strength each day. I'm learning so much about myself, Jamie, life, faith, and friendships. I'm learning so much about obedience and waiting. 

 I truly couldn't have gotten through these past months without Christ and His Spirit in me. I miss England dearly and the wonderful people it holds, but I rejoice knowing (in full confidence) that I will be re-united with everyone again soon. For now, I am going to live each day on purpose, cherish the time God has given me with my friends and family here in the States, and I'm going to hold onto them and trust God with the rest! 

What a faithful and loving God we serve!

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