Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sweetness in Sickness (with the help of Skype)

This morning I woke up dreading the inevitable: the fact that I had most likely caught a cold. Now, something you might not know about me is that I hate getting sick. Hate it. (Although, I'm not sure anyone really loves it?) I will always try to deny that I've caught a cold until it's physically impossible to deny any longer. The coughing and sneezing usually gives it away eventually. Anyways, since I was feeling quite ill, I knew it would be a day of resting and staying home, alone. As nice as it was to rest and to enjoy the quiet of my apartment, I couldn't help but wish there was someone here with me, to take care of me, and even just to talk to me as I sniffled and coughed. Childish I know, but perhaps that desire is within each of us. The desire to be cared for in weakness, or sickness-even if it's just a silly cold. I was recalling sweet memories of what it was like taking "sick" days as a little girl. I always loved them, if I'm honest. Missing school, getting to stay home while my siblings went to school, watching TV, drinking sprite, and getting the whole treatment of Chicken noodle soup with saltine crackers. My mum always took good care of me when I was feeling poorly. Today however, I knew that those memories were simply memories, yet I secretly still longed for those things to happen. It's days like today when I realise just how much has truly changed in my family. It's disheartening really.

However, on a much more positive note...

Just as I was pondering these things and feeling a bit sad, a wonderful thing happened. Jamie got onto skype. Now, I know that sounds little and somewhat insignificant, but it truly changed my day completely. Why? Because although he was 6,000 miles away on a different continent, he was willing to do anything and everything he could to "be there" for me and to take care of me in my sickness. Of course he couldn't come over and make me soup, because physically, that would just be impossible. However, he loved me today in a special way. In thoughtfulness, he sat with me, told me things that he knew would make me smile, and more. Sometimes we didn't even have to speak at all. It was just knowing he was on the other end of the line, loving me and wanting to do whatever he could for me that meant so much. He made me laugh, and even cry with laughter at times. For 4 whole hours, Jamie proceeded to be with me, to comfort me, and love me. It was such a blessing and such a gift to feel so cared about. It didn't matter that there was an ocean in between. What mattered was his heart and his priorities. Even though he could of been doing so many other things, he chose to be on the computer, with me. He was there, with no agenda, and I knew could count on him. I could count on him staying with me and sitting there, even if I started to drift into sleep, or just didn't feel good, for as long as we both needed. There was nothing quite like it. I feel so blessed to be dating such a sweet and thoughtful man of God.

Thanks so much for all you do for me and for your sweet and thoughtful heart. You bless me so much everyday and teach me all the more about love, and what God's grace really looks like. I am so thankful for you and respect you so much. Thanks for always loving me, caring for me, and making me smile...even on the "not so great" days. You are amazing. I'm excited to go through everything with you, even if it's hard. Love you forever and always, even on the "sick" days :) Always.

Yours forever,

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