Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Culture Shocked by my own Culture

I've been realising something lately, something that makes me feel uneasy, scared, and uncomfortable. I don't seem to fit in my own country anymore. I know I've changed and grown up, but it's strange not to fit where I "should" belong. My world view is different, my perspective on things is different, and even my sense of humour is "different". Now, I don't think it's that I've "outgrown" my country, cause that doesn't really seem possible. And, I will always love America and be thankful that I was born and raised here. But perhaps, just possibly America and it's consumer driven culture has maybe outgrown me, and therefore caused me or forced me to outgrow it?I do not know. In the past two years, whilst I've been away, life in America (as it should do) has continued on at a fast pace for all those who live in it. Slow doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary. Everyone is rushing here, or there, in order to make this or that happen. I'm sure that it was the same as I grew up here, but maybe I just never realised just how fast-paced, busy, and self-centered the American culture really is. It's been quite the culture shock to me, even in the midst of my own culture. The even stranger thing is, being a national in this country, everyone expects me to be of the same pace and mind. Now, if I had never known anything different, I wouldn't give this another thought. However, after living in England and experiencing different European cultures, I've realised that the world is bigger than just what I've known it to always be. America isn't the world, it is simply a small part of it with a relatively big land mass. I'm thankful to be American, but I'm also finding it hard to fit in to the American mold. I'm thankful for how God is opening my eyes to all that's around me, even though it's painful. I want to help this nation and am thankful God has me here for a reason. Maybe because God has given me this new perspective, He will allow me to speak into the lives and hearts of the people here, as I view them with different eyes, hopefully, His Heavenly eyes.

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