Friday, September 10, 2010

Theme Song to...My Life?

Since recently moving back from England,  emotions have sure been flying high! So many changes have happened all at once, and I've been in a constant state of "feeling overwhelmed". To be honest, I haven't even been able to understand myself since arriving back in the US- physically, emotionally, spiritually I've been all over the map, even literally. Ha. It's been the strangest thing. Since I got back, everything has felt so new and so...well, foreign to me. Many times I've felt like I'm a stranger to this country, to  these people, and yes even to friends, family, and myself. Despite my innability to find the right words, comparison's, or emotions to accuratel express or even understand what I'm feeling,  someone else has already managed to put all of my thoughts, fears, and emotions to music. Isn't God amazing? I praise Him for this gifted singer/songriter, Sara. He has used this "stranger" to bless, encourage, and comfort me so much since first hearing her song only just shortly after I moved back. Through God's Spirit within Sara and this song He's led her to write, I now feel that I have a song to sing once again. A song that I can sing and mean with my whole heart. Every word of it.

I have a feeling these lyrics are going to mean a lot to me over this next season of my life in America, so it seemed fitting to begin the blog with this video/song/post.

So thankful God is with me right now. He is the only One I'll truly always belong with.

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