Friday, September 24, 2010

Do You Want the Good News or...the Bad News?

Well I've got some news. Some good news, and some bad/sad news. I never know which to give first. Being an optimist, I guess I prefer to start with the positive. So here it goes. 

The good news: No matter what--no matter how hard--no matter how frustrating--no matter WHAT--God is holding Jamie and I together in His hands right now, even though we're half way across the world from eachother.  And even though we've found communicating across the sea to be difficult with the crazy time difference and lack of resources, God has not forgotten about or failed either of us. He is watching over us both and providing for our needs...even though it feels like we may need or DO need...more. He has given us the privilege of talking on skype, as well as the joy of writing and receiving letters from one another. It's special. To be honest, we still have so much more contact with each other than other long-distance couples used to have in the "Olden Days". So for all of these things I am truly thankful and praise God for

The bad news (or sad news) is that...this heart ache feeling seems to increase with each day that goes by. The "missing" feeling doesn't leave. No, it lingers, and only builds and builds until it feels like my heart can't take much more of the pain....or much more of the longing. The longing to see him. The longing to hug him. The longing to just get to see him or sit next to him or hold his hand. The longing for the little things, yet the everything's as well. There is a constant sense of "longing". I'll admit. Today was a tough one. A really tough one. But, I'm taking comfort in the fact that, either good day or bad, God is the same on both sides of the ocean. He is good and He loves us and He has a beautiful plan for our lives. And besides, HE brought US together in the first place! 

This all leads to the question I'd like to leave you (and I) with. What if we longed for God in the same way, so much that our hearts hurt at the thought of being apart from Him, or not getting to spend time with Him? Man. I've been challenged by this idea a lot lately. I hope it'll challenge you as well. 

God, please help me trust you in all of this. I want to come out of these days of longing and distance, and these months of confusion and heartache loving You so much more. I desire to depend on You for everything I need (emotionally, physically, and spiritually) and for everything WE need. I want to trust You with it all. Please teach me to long for You more than I do, and to desire You and Your ways more than mine. You are so good, all the time. Thank you for Your grace, Your patience, and Your love towards me. And towards us. Thank you so much for Jamie and for blessing someone like me with someone like him. Please be with him today and surround us both in Your love and Your truth. In Your name I pray and ask these things.


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